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Joe Toppe
Jack Rogers
PC360 Staff Writer
Humans and AI make a great team, says Shawn Ram with Coalition, Inc.
Already in 2025, there have been 2,128 incidents of wildfire around the U.S. with 64,038 total acres burned.
Insurance technology news from Verisk, Duck Creek and Pinpoint Predictive.
When opening statements were heard in the case at the end of January, the plaintiff was suing the insurer for $20 million.
Top insurers suffered a higher rate of breaches than all of the S&P 500 (21%) companies combined.
First Street: Disaster-prone areas could see large insurance increases, sinking home values and population loss.
The latest insurance industry personnel news from CSC, CRC Group, One Inc. and more.
Dog insurance costs pet owners in the U.S. more than cat coverage.
It's also important to consider visa options, taxes and internet infrastructure.
Industry awards provide a "stamp of approval" that resonates with clients, customers and competitors.
Steve Hallo
Helene, Milton account for roughly $70 billion in damages.
This new form of coverage may be a useful risk mitigation tool for businesses when combined with other insurance
February is Earthquake Awareness Month.
Total economic losses could make the January catastrophe the second-costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.
This pullout from the Super Bowl is part of a trend of decreased advertising spend across the insurance industry.
Insurance professionals should first prioritize safety when advising clients after an electrical fire.
This week's update includes insurance industry news from Aventum, GAF, Miller and more.
Cyberattacks were up 44% last year.
The annual Allianz Risk Barometer for 2025 indicates renewed focus on the myriad of potential losses related to weather catastrophes.
USAA alleges the plaintiff exaggerated the injuries he received when his vehicle was rear-ended in 2018.
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