During her keynote session at IASA 2018, Dr. Jill Biden (seen here) reflected on grading college term papers while traveling with her husband on Air Force during when he served as the 47th Vice President of the United States, and that even though she works from a community college cubicle now instead of a marble-floored federal building, she still strives to 'make a difference in people's lives.' (Photo by Elana Ashanti Jefferson) Dr. Jill Biden reflected during her keynote session at IASA 2018 on grading papers while traveling with her husband on Air Force Two when he served as the 47th Vice President of the United States. Even though she now works out of a community college cubicle instead of a marble-floored federal building, she still strives to "make a difference in people's lives." (Photo by Elana Ashanti Jefferson)

During such demanding events as hurricanes or catastrophic flooding, it can be easy for insurance professionals to lose sight of the very human mission at the heart of their work: Helping individuals, families and businesses pick up the pieces, rebuild and move forward.

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Elana Ashanti Jefferson

Elana Ashanti Jefferson serves as ALM's PropertyCasualty360 Group Chief Editor. She is a veteran journalist and communications professional. Reach her by sending an e-mail to [email protected].