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9230 results for florida
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Here’s a closer look at the top risks currently facing high-net-worth households and the strategies to prepare effectively.
"Exurbs" were the most popular cities for housing last year.
The insurance community needs to capitalize on this moment and prioritize public education around the changing flood-risk landscape.
The Governor said Florida now has around 7.58 million active insurance policies, which is significantly more than last year.
First Street: Disaster-prone areas could see large insurance increases, sinking home values and population loss.
Helene, Milton account for roughly $70 billion in damages.
Total economic losses could make the January catastrophe the second-costliest natural disaster in U.S. history.
The annual Allianz Risk Barometer for 2025 indicates renewed focus on the myriad of potential losses related to weather catastrophes.
The Golden State's largest insurance carrier already received 8,700 related claims and paid out more than $1 billion.
Neptune Flood: Younger demographics are among the most concerned.