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Joe Toppe serves as managing editor of Joe is also a father of three, an author, and longtime lover of baseball.
Diversity fosters more comprehensive legal analysis and a deeper understanding of jurors and judges.
Ahead of National Insurance Awareness Day 2024, a new survey highlights the urgent need for independent agents.
Large payouts against corporate defendants are up 273% over the last decade, Chubb reports.
PwC said the recent economic environment has generally been favorable for the insurance industry.
Only Louisiana, Pennsylvania, Delaware and New York logged prescription-price increases over WCRI's study period.
Different carriers may consider different factors when setting premiums, but in general, auto insurance rates are way up.
'Travel insurance might be a smart investment,' Forbes Advisor reports.
The insurance carrier said in a statement that the inflated cost of veterinary care is to blame for the move.
The rate of inflation in auto insurance is especially striking when compared to the overall inflation rate, economist says.
Millions of people in the U.S. are currently under extreme-heat alerts. Here's how to keep workers safe.