Liam J. Hutelmyer, assistant underwriter / underwriter trainee, AmWINS Transportation Underwriters
Years at company: 2.5 years
College: Appalachian State University
Organizations: AAMGA, Under Forty Organization, AmWINS University
Accreditations: Working toward CIW and CPCU designations

What are your goals in this industry?
I always want to leave a situation in a better position than when I first encountered it. Long term, I want to be an expert in our niche of the insurance marketplace, pure and simple. In the next year I will be working with two guys we just hired from Appalachian State University's insurance program with the intent to give them as much as I have received from the industry thus far.

How did you choose insurance as a career?
In school I had a focus on creative writing and philosophy and had no intention of making a career out of insurance. I started at ATU when an internship position opened up one summer during college and absolutely fell in love with the industry. As it turns out, having worked in a law office during high school, the intricacies of language and intent in contract wording had already become second nature. This, coupled with the application of logic in underwriting a risk, building a program and ensuring that all parties (the insured, the company and our shop) are taken care of, and I was hooked.

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