With the advent of hurricane season it could result in the need for thousands of claim adjusters around the country. In preparation for areas impacted by hurricanes, JELCE.com is offering adjuster-based classes. The six-day training class provides information to claim adjusters on a number of topics. Under the program, adjusters learn about policies, construction basics, and will also receive hands-on training by going on site for a mock disaster claim and learn how to assess and document any damage. The company said the training is needy since so many field adjusters have the knowledge to properly write up claims. As a result, many homeowners may be shortchanged in collecting their money for damages.


JELCE.com's Program Coordinator Linda Gold said they added the class based on the experience from Hurricane Katrina where many untrained adjusters took advantage of the people whose homes and businesses were destroyed. "The property owner will need to seek supplemental claims through their insurer and if recovery is still not satisfactory, legal action may be necessary. This costs the insurance company more money than if the estimate was done right the first time."


JELCE.com has trained over 50,000 in 12 states and classes are offered monthly in St. Petersburg and Atlanta. For more information, contact www.jelce.com and follow the links to "Become and Adjuster," or call 1-800-834-8975.

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