King of the Hill, Top of the Heap
In the October 2001 Technology Decisions, Ben Rosenfield wrote about Independent Witness, which purported to be the first provider of technology to objectively correlate force with injury potential.

Injury Sciences has been providing objective, engineering-based knowledge to claims professionals in the areas of accident causation, accident severity, and injury causation since October 1998. (Technology Decisions has written about Injury Sciences and our WrExpert product three times since November 1999.) We are confident that we are not only the first, but also the most established technology that correlates accident forces with injury potential.

WrExpert is the only technology product for the claims professional that can take advantage of a vehicles OEM event data recorderthe black boxto help evaluate accident and injury causation. It uses the physical damage repair estimate data and photographs in conjunction with details on the individual claimant to evaluate the severity and causation of a given accident. It contains a database describing the characteristics and crash test performance of over 26,000 vehicles and the results of the known body of human subject testing in low velocity collisionsit evaluates claims one by one, and does not use historical claims information for identifying suspicious relationships.

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