Hurricane season starts on June 1 and it looks like we are headed for an active summer this year based on weather predictions from the National Hurricane Center. Now is the time to start getting your agency ready for hurricane season. Don't wait until a storm is approaching, then it is too late. The one benefit we have is that with an approaching hurricane, we do get some advanced warning and time to prepare. Here are some things that you can do to get your insurance agency and your policyholders ready for hurricane season. While you can't avoid a hurricane that is headed your way, you can take some action and get prepared for hurricane season ahead of time. Doing so will leave you and your policyholders a lot better off. Here is a reminder of some things to get you started in the right direction.

Have a Disaster Plan

Make a detailed plan that covers every aspect of your business designed to get you back in operation as soon as possible after the storm. The role your agency plays in handling your clients' claims is the most important thing you can do for your customers once a storm has struck.

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