Overview of AAIS Contractors and Developers Output Program (DOP) August 2002 American Association of Insurance Services Summary:…
Condominium Association Coverage FormAugust 30, 2012ISO Commercial Property ProgramSummary: Both the Condominium Association Coverage Form…
Standard Property Policy August 20, 2012 ISO Commercial Property Program Summary: The Standard Property Policy (CP 00 99 10 12) of…
Condominium Commercial Unit-Owners Coverage FormAugust 14, 2012ISO Simplified Commercial Property ProgramSummary: Insurance Services Offices…
SPOILAGE COVERAGE ISO Form CP 04 40 November 2, 2011 Summary: The Spoilage Coverage form, CP 04 40 06 07, can be used to modify the Building…
Leasehold Interest Coverage Reviewed November 2, 2011 ISO Simplified Commercial Property Program Summary: Leasehold interest insurance protects…
A discussion of the home-based-business endorsement HO 07 01.
Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy)—Archived Article ISO's Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy) July, 2007 Summary: The Insurance…
Reviewed January 20, 2010 The Business Income Worksheet and the Combination Gross Earnings Business Interruption Worksheet Summary: Along…
VALUE REPORTING FORMISO FORM CP 13 10 04 02December 2006Summary: The value reporting form (CP 13 10 04 02) can be used to modify the following…