Commercial Property Program

Overview of AAIS Contractors and Developers Output Program (DOP) August 2002 American Association of Insurance Services Summary:…

August 27, 2012

Condominium Association Coverage FormAugust 30, 2012ISO Commercial Property ProgramSummary: Both the Condominium Association Coverage Form…

August 21, 2012

Standard Property Policy   August 20, 2012   ISO Commercial Property Program Summary: The Standard Property Policy (CP 00 99 10 12) of…

August 16, 2012

Condominium Commercial Unit-Owners Coverage FormAugust 14, 2012ISO Simplified Commercial Property ProgramSummary: Insurance Services Offices…

November 10, 2011

SPOILAGE COVERAGE ISO Form CP 04 40 November 2, 2011 Summary: The Spoilage Coverage form, CP 04 40 06 07, can be used to modify the Building…

November 03, 2011

Leasehold Interest Coverage Reviewed November 2, 2011 ISO Simplified Commercial Property Program Summary: Leasehold interest insurance protects…

September 15, 2011

A discussion of the home-based-business endorsement HO 07 01.

September 10, 2010

Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy)—Archived Article ISO's Agricultural Capital Assets (Output Policy) July, 2007 Summary: The Insurance…

Reviewed January 20, 2010 The Business Income Worksheet and the Combination Gross Earnings Business Interruption Worksheet Summary: Along…

February 02, 2010

VALUE REPORTING FORMISO FORM CP 13 10 04 02December 2006Summary: The value reporting form (CP 13 10 04 02) can be used to modify the following…