The Maryland Insurance Administration published a bulletin providing information on new and amended requirements for public adjusters that were established in 2024 Maryland Laws Chapter 826. The new regulations will be effective on October 1, 2024.

10–411(h) states that a public adjuster contract must include the following information:

  • The insured can rescind or cancel the contract within 10 days after the contract is signed. Notice of rescission or cancellation should be in writing and mailed or delivered to the public adjuster within 10 business days after the contract was signed.
  • If the insured does rescind or cancel the contract, the adjuster should return anything of value given by the insured within 15 business days of receiving the notice.

10-414(e) prohibits public adjusters, or anyone acting on their behalf, from soliciting a client between 8:00 pm and 8:00 am.

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