Each year as the World Series unfolds, I am struck by the level of competitive analysis the teams apply to the game and how its applied. From how a batter fares against right-handers and lefthanders to what type of pitch a certain pitcher will throw when ahead in the count, data is collectedto determine probabilities and strategies for success.

Insurance is really no different, except the amount of data to be sifted is exponentially larger. Instead of information on two teams, its policy, claims, risk, personal, and gobs of other details. In fact, it seems insurers often have been able to capture more data than they actually have the ability to handle.

To deal with this, the trend has been to take a vertical approach, implementing highly specialized solutions (see Heavy Lifting, p. 30). Given the feedback from the front lines, these initiatives are a step in the right direction, especially since the technology-driven Field of Dreams approach of if we build it, they will come, hasnt seemed to work very well. The solution has to meet the business needthen they wont need to be invited, theyll already be there.

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