When it comes to St. Patrick's Day celebrations, 27% of consumers are planning to head to a bar or restaurant this year, the National Retail Federation reported.

On top of this, other surveys indicate around 40% of consumers are purchasing special drinks for the occasion. During the holiday, the average American consumes 4.2 drinks, and 32% of men and 20% of women say they binge drink on St. Patrick's Day, according to Alcohol.org.

Overall, 62% of consumers plan to celebrate St. Patrick's Day this year, compared with 61% in 2023 and 54% in 2022.The NRF reported that more consumers tend to celebrate St. Patrick's Day when the holiday falls on a weekend, as it does this year. This will mean more cars and pedestrians will be on roads and sidewalks this year.

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Steve Hallo

Steve Hallo is managing editor of PropertyCasualty360.com. He can be reached at [email protected]