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Catalytic converters are popular targets for thieves who hope to score some cash by melting down and selling the platinum, palladium and rhodium inside. While the price of metals fluctuates at the time of publication platinum was worth around $916 per ounce, palladium was worth $997 per ounce and rhodium was valued at $4,650 per ounce. While many current models of catalytic converters only contain around 6 grams (or less) of all three of these metals combined, thieves can still turn them into a quick payday.

Catalytic converters sit between a car's engine and muffler, and it should be immediately obvious to a driver upon starting their vehicle if theirs has been pilfered. The signs of a stolen converter include loud noise, smellier or darker exhaust than is normal and sluggish acceleration.

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Brittney Meredith-Miller

Brittney Meredith-Miller is assistant editor of PropertyCasualty360.com. She can be reached at [email protected].